Welcome to True Hope Christian Counseling

What to Expect: Initial Consultation

During our initial phone consultation, we will discuss your goals for therapy. This is also a great opportunity to ask any general questions you may have about our services and approach and to get to know Jonathan.

Ready to get started? Contact us for your free ten minute consultation.

What to Expect: Your First Appointment


We suggest accessing our client forms ahead of your appointment and bringing them with you to our office or if you prefer, you can arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to complete your client intake paperwork.

When you arrive, take a seat in our comfortable waiting room and Jonathan will come to greet you at your scheduled appointment time. 

Your first 45 minute session will be used as an opportunity to get to know you better and to give you space to talk and share at your comfort level. We will begin to develop a plan for ongoing therapy as appropriate.

What to Expect: Ongoing Therapy

Ongoing therapy is offered at varying intervals based on your unique needs and in most cases involves regular 45 minute long sessions. The duration of our counseling will depend on your therapy goals, your commitment and participation, and your progress throughout our work together.

We will offer guidance on the treatment plan most appropriate to you.


Ready to take the next step?