Mental Health Resources
When People are Big and God is Small by ed welch
This is a great read with many practical applications for people who struggle with codependence, people pleasing behaviors, or fear of man. This book allows the truth of God’s word to affirm how God sees you and brings to light that the reason we care so much about what others think of us is that we have a small view of God and do not trust in what He has said about us.
Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands by paul tripp
This book provides practical counseling application which can be utilized with those who are struggling. Whether you are a pastor, a professional counselor, or just a friend of someone who is hurting Paul Tripp’s case studies and real-life scenarios lay an excellent foundation for how to take care of others in need.
Good and Angry By David Powlison
Powlison skillfully helps those who experience anger understand where their anger comes from and what to do about it. One of my favorite points in this book is that anger is not a bad thing. Even God is/gets angry. Still, there is appropriate anger and inappropriate anger. Appropriate anger is targeted towards injustice or, in Biblical language, anything that grieves the heart of God. Inappropriate anger is targeted towards disruptions to your desires, dreams, or comforts.
Created for Connection by Sue Johnson
This book helps couples identify and understand the negative cycles created in marriages. Johnson unpacks the struggles many of us face and helps us arrive at solid conclusions about what we need to do to end the negativity and start living more positive and healthy lives.
What did you expect by Paul david tripp
This is a book we recommend for anyone who is engaged, considering marriage, recently married, or has been married for a long time. Paul Tripp approaches our understanding of marriage from a Biblical perspective and held us identify how wrong our expectations can be when entering into a marriage. Tripp helps us re-order our expectations to be more inline with God’s.
The Heart of Anger by Lou Priolo
This is a must have for parents in learning how to navigate not only anger but their child’s heart. Priolo gives practical step-by-step instructions for helping your child examine their heart while also examining your own.
Support Groups
Sitting and listening to other people’s struggles in a group setting is one of the best ways to obtain perspective on one’s situation. Being a part of a group also normalizes your experiences with whatever you may be dealing with. Normalization is one of the most important aspects in addressing the shame or guilt one may feel about their situation. Groups also provide a sense of community, accountability, and support which are vital to growth.
DBSA: Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
DBSA offers both online and local support groups to provide hope, help, support and education to improve the lives of people with mood disorders.
ADAA: Anxiety and Depression Association of America
Through ADAA, those experiencing anxiety, depression, major depressive disorder or post traumatic stress disorder can participate in online peer-to-peer communities to find support, share and connect with individuals with similar experiences.
NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness of Texas
NAMI offers free recovery support group meetings over Zoom for adults living with a mental health condition and also has Zoom recovery support group options for their family, friends and loved ones.
Parents Helping Parents
Parents Helping Parents facilitates weekly support groups over Zoom for parents/caregivers based on your specific situation. Notably, two of their online support groups are targeted to parents of teens or parents of teens with disabilities.
United Through HOPE
United Through HOPE is a North Texas nonprofit organization with locations in Frisco and Denton that hosts structured “meet ups” for teens between 6th grade - 12th grade.