35 Essential Questions for Christians to Ask Before Getting Married


Marriage is a sacred covenant ordained by God, and for Christians, it is a lifelong commitment that requires careful consideration and preparation.

Before embarking on this journey, there are variety of questions for Christians to ask themselves and each other before saying “I do” to ensure they are spiritually, emotionally, and practically ready for marriage.

1. What is Your Relationship with God?

The foundation of a successful Christian marriage is a shared faith and commitment to Christ. It’s crucial for couples to discuss their individual relationships with God and how they envision integrating faith into their marriage. By openly discussing these questions, couples can ensure they are aligned in their faith and values, laying a strong foundation for their marriage.


Some questions to consider include:

• How do you prioritize your relationship with God in your daily life?

• What role does prayer, scripture reading, and worship play in your spiritual life?

• How do you envision incorporating faith into your future family life?

• Are there any theological beliefs or convictions that are important to you and that you want to share with your spouse?

2. What Are Your Expectations for Marriage?

Each person enters marriage with their own set of expectations, hopes, and desires. Before tying the knot, it’s essential for couples to discuss their expectations for marriage and how they envision their future together. By openly discussing their expectations, couples can identify areas of alignment and potential areas of conflict, allowing them to work together to build a strong and resilient marriage.

Some questions to consider include:

• What are your expectations regarding roles and responsibilities within the marriage?

• How do you envision handling finances, decision-making, and household chores?

• What are your hopes and dreams for the future, both individually and as a couple?

• How do you plan to navigate potential challenges and conflicts in your marriage?

3. How Do You Handle Conflict and Communication?

Conflict is inevitable in any relationship, and it’s crucial for couples to discuss their communication styles and conflict resolution strategies. The ways in which couples handle conflict can make or break a marriage. Additionally, it’s important for couples to discuss any past hurts or unresolved issues that may impact their relationship. By addressing these issues proactively, couples can foster healthy communication and build trust and intimacy in their marriage.

Some questions to consider include:

• How do you typically handle disagreements and conflicts in your relationships?

• Are you able to communicate openly and honestly with your partner?

• How do you handle anger, frustration, and hurt feelings?

• What are your expectations for communication within your marriage?

4. What Are Your Views on Family and Children?

Family dynamics and the desire for children can be significant factors in a marriage. By openly discussing their views on family planning, parenting styles, and the role of extended family in their lives, couples can ensure they are on the same page and ready to embark on this journey together.

Some questions to consider include:

• Do you want to have children? If so, how many, and what are your hopes and dreams for your future family?

• What are your views on parenting styles, discipline, and education?

• How do you plan to balance career, family, and personal life?

• What role do you envision for extended family members in your marriage and family life?

5. How Do You Handle Finances?

Finances can be a significant source of stress and conflict in marriage. Before getting married, couples should discuss their financial habits, goals, and values. This enables couples to establish a solid financial foundation for their marriage and navigate potential challenges with grace and unity.

Some questions to consider include:

• How do you currently manage your finances, including budgeting, saving, and spending?

• What are your financial goals for the future, both individually and as a couple?

• How do you plan to handle joint finances, including income, expenses, and debt?

• What role do you envision for giving, tithing, and charitable contributions in your marriage?

6. Have You Discussed Your Past and Future Together?

Before getting married, couples should have open and honest conversations about their past experiences, as well as their hopes and dreams for the future in order to deepen their connection and understanding of each other, laying the groundwork for a strong and resilient marriage.

Some questions to consider include:

• Have you shared your past experiences, including relationships, family dynamics, and personal struggles, with your partner?

• How do you envision supporting each other’s personal growth and development in the future?

• What are your hopes and dreams for your future together, both short-term and long-term?

• How do you plan to create a shared vision and goals for your marriage?

7. Are You Willing to Seek Support and Guidance?

Marriage is a journey that requires ongoing effort, growth, and commitment. By acknowledging their need for support and guidance, couples can demonstrate humility and openness to growth, setting a strong foundation for a healthy and thriving marriage.

Some questions to consider include:

• Are you open to premarital counseling or marriage preparation courses to strengthen your relationship?

• How do you plan to prioritize your marriage and invest in its growth and development?

• Are you willing to seek support and guidance from trusted mentors, counselors, and spiritual leaders when facing challenges or conflicts in your marriage?

• How do you envision continuing to grow and deepen your relationship throughout your marriage?

Before saying “I do,” it’s essential for couples to ask important questions and have open and honest conversations about their relationship, faith, values, and future together. By addressing these questions thoughtfully and prayerfully, couples can ensure they are spiritually, emotionally, and practically ready for marriage.

Remember, marriage is a lifelong commitment that requires effort, patience, and grace, but with God at the center, couples can build a strong and fulfilling marriage that honors Him and reflects His love to the world.


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